
Halloween Bedtime. Do you have a little one with an early bedtime? And a neighborhood full of trick-or-treaters who will be roaming the streets into the wee hours? Print this out and put it next to your doorbell along with a bowl of candy 😉

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Recommended books.
(Note: these are Amazon Affliate links. Clicking on them to make your purchases helps me to keep working on useful information that you can use for free!)

The Play Therapy Book. Whatever your child’s neurotype, the play ideas in this book support the formation of a strong parent-child bond. Play away!

Six-Word Lessons on Growing up Autistic. This is a simple, eye-opening book. Autistic traits are more common than many people realize, and it is not a disorder rather one of the variations in the way people think. Sometimes we get sold the idea that the human condition is a single condition, or we get fixated on how we all belong to different cultures or countries. This is a good baby step in trying to understand that we are all the same yet different, we can in fact extend understanding to others, and we can live in different models of togetherness.

An Early Start for your child with Autism. There is growing sensitivity against using the word “autism” but don’t let that bias you too much against this book. These very credentialed authors are well-intentioned, and write a really clear guide to the Early Start Denver Model, and how to implement its strategies at home.

Recommended Toys

Toy trains. For many autistic children, obsessing about something (e.g. trains!) is a rite of passage, and sometimes, giving in to these can result in a lot of delight.

Bath organizer. When you have too many bath toys, like I do, this is an (almost) elegant solution!

Swimming Bluey. We’ve all seen swimming turtle toys in the bath, but for Bluey fans, why not kick it up a notch?

Canoe Bluey. If one Bluey bath toy isn’t enough, get another!

Dinosaur bath toys (no hole). I’ve always wondered what it would look inside of bath toys that allow kids to fill up with water and squirt it out through the tiniest of holes, clearly inadequate for drying the insides out. So I get these ones instead.